I love my car, crazy thing to say, but true. If I had unlimited funds I would fix every little thing that is wrong with it, get new upholstery and paint, and drive it for 11 more years. I'd probably be better off too because they just don't make them like they used to.
I have been contemplating getting a new vehicle, with the price of gas getting so high and all, thinking about Hybrids. The Toyota Highlander is a nice little package.
I think that my car can sense this somehow, like the car in the movie Christine. She knows I have been thinking about abandoning her. I say her because my kids have named "her" Victoria. My hubby's car is Bob.
The latest trick was for the cabin fan to quit working the other day. The A/C still worked, problem was the cold air was just trickling out of the vents.
I think to myself, "Great, just what I need when it's finally getting hot enough for me to justify running the A/C and now it doesn't work."
So as I'm driving up the access road with all the windows open, I arrange to take her in the next morning for repair. No problem, just another $500 to Mr. Bacchio (who drives a Ferrari and has Italian marble on the floor of his repair shop lobby, like he needs my money!). Gabe and I swelter for a few more minutes until we go to Walgreens. When lo and behold, when I crank the car, the fan magically starts working! Unbelievable! I take her down anyway, spend $50 on a 2 day rental and they can't get the problem to repeat.
The Cosmos is mocking me!
I say this because my car has another intermittent problem. My interior lights only work during daylight hours. The minute, and I mean the minute, the sun goes down, they go out and I'm driving in the dark. The auto techs didn't believe me on this one for 3 months, because when are they open, day time!
I just know that with the way these things go with my car, on the hottest day this summer, when it will also be raining so I can't have the windows open, my fan will quit working again. And this time I will be miles away from home with no choice but to drive. And the second I pull into the driveway the stupid thing will kick on again.
Just watch.
It'll happen.