Monday, May 15, 2006

Flying Free!

Monica is flying away! Away to Little Rock, to a new life and new opportunities.

So many doors have opened for her and will continue to open in the future.

There is a reason that you were so sought after, by so many people.

Because you are good girl!

You are loved and appreciated by many here in our little group.

We will miss you but we all understand that you have to do what's best for Your future.

You are like a falcon freed from the jess.

Fly Away!

It is a sight lovely to behold.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dr. Robert T. Bakker

Yesterday, Gabe and had the great privlege to meet Dr. Robert T. Bakker, Paleontologist. He is quite an interesting character. What I was most amazed by was how he could relate extremely well to children, some as young as 5, while still making the information interesting to the 'older' members of the audience.

I've since done a little research about him on the web. From what I found, his personal philosophies are pretty similar to mine. He seems pretty "Libertarian" when it comes to his politics. The thing I was most struck by was that he routinely argues that Spiritual Belief and Science don't need to be mutually exclusive. He has debated this point with parties from the ultra-Religious side and the Atheist side of the Creationism versus Evolution argument.

Other striking facts about him that he was one of the first academics to hypothesis that Dinosaurs are related to modern day birds and that many dinos probably had feathers. When he first came forward with these ideas he was scoffed at. His theories have since been supported by recent finds from the fossil beds of China.

He has written quite a few books, including several for children. We bought 2 of the children's books yesterday at the museum and I have ordered 1 other via ebay. I have also ordered his novel, titled Raptor Red and the nonfiction Dinosaur Heresies. When I've read them I will review them on this Blog.

Strangely enough, he is also the basis for one of the characters in Michael Crichton's The Lost World. It's been a while since a saw the movie and I'm ashamed to say I've haven't read the book, but according to others, 'Dr. Burke', the character in the movie, gets eaten by a T-Rex. After meeting Dr. Bakker, I feel confident in saying he probably found the scenario hilarious.

I urge anyone who reads my Blog to do some research about him. His theories and opinions are extremely interesting and you just might expand your own personal horizons.

Friday, May 12, 2006

A Whole Lot of B.S.

I have to ask? Why do some of you persist in reading my Blog? You have shown through your actions in the past that you don't value what I say. I came to some of you with various different issues and you dismissed my concerns. If you think so little of me and what I have to say, why do you still read my Blog?

I write what I write here, and whoever finds the link, gets to read what I put here. I don't pipe it into anyone's computer against their will. I don't email anything to anyone. If you don't like it, don't read it. I can guarrantee that I'm not reading what you're putting on the internet.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted with this subject. I'm sick of the whole deal. I'm going to put paid for once and for all about the whole sheebang. It's going to take a good bit of writing so it may take me a few days to complete but the final product will appear on Time&Space in the near future. If you're truly still interested, just keep checking there.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

My Car has a Sense of Humor

I love my car, crazy thing to say, but true. If I had unlimited funds I would fix every little thing that is wrong with it, get new upholstery and paint, and drive it for 11 more years. I'd probably be better off too because they just don't make them like they used to.

I have been contemplating getting a new vehicle, with the price of gas getting so high and all, thinking about Hybrids. The Toyota Highlander is a nice little package.

I think that my car can sense this somehow, like the car in the movie Christine. She knows I have been thinking about abandoning her. I say her because my kids have named "her" Victoria. My hubby's car is Bob.

The latest trick was for the cabin fan to quit working the other day. The A/C still worked, problem was the cold air was just trickling out of the vents.
I think to myself, "Great, just what I need when it's finally getting hot enough for me to justify running the A/C and now it doesn't work."
So as I'm driving up the access road with all the windows open, I arrange to take her in the next morning for repair. No problem, just another $500 to Mr. Bacchio (who drives a Ferrari and has Italian marble on the floor of his repair shop lobby, like he needs my money!). Gabe and I swelter for a few more minutes until we go to Walgreens. When lo and behold, when I crank the car, the fan magically starts working! Unbelievable! I take her down anyway, spend $50 on a 2 day rental and they can't get the problem to repeat.

The Cosmos is mocking me!

I say this because my car has another intermittent problem. My interior lights only work during daylight hours. The minute, and I mean the minute, the sun goes down, they go out and I'm driving in the dark. The auto techs didn't believe me on this one for 3 months, because when are they open, day time!

I just know that with the way these things go with my car, on the hottest day this summer, when it will also be raining so I can't have the windows open, my fan will quit working again. And this time I will be miles away from home with no choice but to drive. And the second I pull into the driveway the stupid thing will kick on again.

Just watch.

It'll happen.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bad News

I got some bad news yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I first was led to believe but it's still pretty grim.

This news has left me feeling particularly feisty and like I have nothing to lose. A certain chapter of my life is now officially closed. I suppose it could still be open if I wanted to live in agony. I have a high tolerance for pain but I don't particularly enjoy it.

If you want to see just how feisty I am feeling, go to my alternate Blog. Time & Space. Some people will get it.

However....On the same afternoon, I got some good news also. Not about me, but about a friend. I'm so thrilled for them and proud!!! There will be more on that subject in months to come.

What else is going on? Well, my backyard is almost complete (got my fountain in today) and my cats have fleas. My house looks like it has been hit by a tornado inside (my thralls won't clean it for me, Dammit! why won't they obey!) and I have to spend most of my day Monday at the dentist and physical therapy! Can I add anything else? Pages! But it would only bore you.

P.S. Gabe was fabulous in "Peter & the Wolf". He had a small part but he was sooo thrilled when he came off the stage after the applause. I think he's hooked. He told me, "Mom, I'm a Star!"