Friday, May 12, 2006

A Whole Lot of B.S.

I have to ask? Why do some of you persist in reading my Blog? You have shown through your actions in the past that you don't value what I say. I came to some of you with various different issues and you dismissed my concerns. If you think so little of me and what I have to say, why do you still read my Blog?

I write what I write here, and whoever finds the link, gets to read what I put here. I don't pipe it into anyone's computer against their will. I don't email anything to anyone. If you don't like it, don't read it. I can guarrantee that I'm not reading what you're putting on the internet.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted with this subject. I'm sick of the whole deal. I'm going to put paid for once and for all about the whole sheebang. It's going to take a good bit of writing so it may take me a few days to complete but the final product will appear on Time&Space in the near future. If you're truly still interested, just keep checking there.


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