Tuesday, April 11, 2006

No More Masks

I worked in my yard today. Sometimes exerting yourself in the soil of this Earth is most healing. As I toiled and sweated I also thought. I thought about today, tomorrow and yesterday.

I have always believed that every single person who we meet in our life can teach us something. It may be something small, it may be positive, it may be a lesson on what not to do or how not to be. You just have to pay attention. To learn you also have to be open minded enough to other people's ideas that you can hear them. Anyone who knows me will probably tell you that I'm pretty darn open minded. I have my own ideas and opinions but I'm not going to try to push them on anyone else. If you ask me a question, I'll answer you and we can have a discussion, but I will always preface it by saying, "I think" or "I believe". In recent history I have had to hide or remain silent about many things for fear of offending others. When the day finally came that I did express myself it was as a dam bursting. You can imagine the fall-out.

I'm done wearing masks. I'm just me and if you like me, you like me. If you don't, then just walk away, I'm not going to chase you down and force myself upon you.
I'm me, Candy, and these are some of the things that make me, me:

1. I'm loud
2. I curse like a sailor when upset
3. I like to stay up late and sleep in the next day
4. If I mess up I will be terribly embarrassed and will try to cover by laughing.
5. I have a terrible temper if you push my buttons.
6. I like mastering things other people say I can't
7. I'm vain
8. I really like food, especially sweets
9. Due to 7 & 8 I have to exercise, a lot.
10. I remember everything, mostly what others would like me to forget.
11. I have always had a fascination for weapons, snakes, and big cats.
12. I'm a loyal friend, but you better hold up your end of the bargain!
13. I'm not afraid to say what I think.
14. I can't stand being cold.
15. I would like to have some cosmetic surgery.
16. I wish I could put my brain now into my body at 19.
17. I would probably cut off a finger before I will lie.
18. I'm a cat person, they are nature's perfect hunters.
19. If you slap me I will not turn the other cheek, I'll probably go ballistic.
20. I do not go to church and probably never will.
21. I hate the fact that men are stronger than women, it stinks!
22. Shooting guns is fun, big machine guns especially.
23. I like Alternative Metal music, and they're not all Satanists!
24. I would not hesitate to kill to protect my family if it came to that.
25. I have a wicked and risque sense of humor.

I could go on and on. Like it says in my Bio. I am a Force of Nature and about that easy to comprehend. But I'm the only me I was given. People say that you shouldn't try to change other people. Well, you shouldn't have to change yourself for other people either. All growth should come from within, by personal choice, not by coercion.

I'm me! Love me or Leave me. I'm done wearing masks to please others.


Blogger Tigpan said...

Good, I like your normal face anyway.

11:19 AM  

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