Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mini Trucks & Lawn Mowers

My family and I watched Monster Garage last night. This episode featured a team of 6 "Little People" converting a 4-wheel drive truck into a lowered mini truck.

This is not my topic, it's just some background, bear with me.

As part of the extraneous information they give you during the show, there was a short blurb about Nissan being the first car manufacturer to market mini-trucks and the the first model was a Datsun with 34 HorsePower.

Now, just so you know, my oldest son is a car fanatic! He's 13 and if he doesn't end up working in a field that includes cars or computers or both, I'll be mightily surprised.

He asks, "How fast could that Datsun go with only 34Hp?"

I make some snide comment about Hamsters, Rubberbands, and high pitched Mosquito-like whining. Ha Ha!

My husband says, "Not very fast, I'll bet our lawn mower in the garage has 34Hp."

To which Chris very seriously turns to his father and states, "Ah Dad, that's not right. The lawn mower has a 6.5Hp Briggs and Straton engine. Its not the same."

At this time, I almost fall off the couch laughing! Oh the wisdom of the young!

Funny thing is, he's right. And if you ask him to quote you the specs on a Ferrari 550 Maranello, he'll be happy to enlighten you there also.

By the way, I just asked, they are as follows:

Top Speed - 200+mph
Engine - Front V-12
0-60 = 4 secs
Manufacture in 1997
50th Anniversary for Ferrari

He goes on and on but that's enough for now!


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