Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Wonder of it All

I had an interesting conversation with my husband tonight. We were discussing religion. He was raised Catholic, his mother is Italian... Duh! I was raised nothing. Tried out Baptist for a while in grade school, that's about it.

So you see, I have been having some troubles lately. Not only did I just lose my cat but there have been some issues with certain friends of mine. We were discussing these issues. The conversation somehow worked its way around to religion. Probably because most of my friends are Catholic also. I think they must always wonder why Steve has never been able to convince me to convert. The answer is because he understands me.

I'm not religious. Spiritual yes, religious no. I see the wonder in all things. I believe in Evolution and am in awe because of the way everything fits together. Life is layer upon layer of beautiful patterns and I accept them and appreciate them. I don't feel the need to have a literal, humanised explanation as to how this came to be. Things just are. I don't think that it is random how everything seems to fit together. I believe that something greater than myself must have made this come about and that's enough of an explanation for me.

If I want to talk to God, I do so directly wherever I am. I don't need a church to do it in or a Priest to tell me how. Do I think that churches are bad? No, some people, a lot of people, find comfort and happiness in going to church and that's great! It's just not for me. I think that most Priests, Preachers, Ministers, etc. are good people trying to share their beliefs. That's fabulous! But they are still people, human, they bleed when they step on a pin just like I do.

I believe that the measure of a person's life is taken by how they live it, not by what particular dogma they follow. As long as I help more than I hurt along the way, I believe I'm going to a better place when this life is over. There are billions of good people on this Earth and I don't think that the bulk of them are going to Hell just because they don't happen to practice the correct religion. If you're good, you're good. I've know some truly evil people who were perfect church-goers and followed their religion to a T.

I love my friends and I respect their beliefs. I just wish they could respect mine. I think they view me as a lost soul who needs to be led to righteousness. I may be lost, but aren't we all? I don't need to be led. For me truth is found from within. I try to listen for those little signals I spoke about in my last post and I do my best to heed them. I don't try to convince anyone else to my way of thinking, if you ask me a question, I'll give you an answer. That's enough for me. We all have to make our own choices. Free Will is the greatest gift of man.

How could you understand what light is if there was never any darkness?


Blogger Candy said...

Honestly, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse, but it is definetly who I am.

2:43 PM  

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