Monday, March 06, 2006

The Sun is Shining

Okay, my last 3 posts have been of a melancholy nature, but the sun is shining today outside my window and sometimes the small simple things are the most pleasant.


I'm teaching Taekwondo to a group of kids at a local Elementary School. There are 12 of them and yesterday they all had Spring Fever. The weather is nice outside and the kids know that next week there's no school. I don't think there was a still body in the group! This makes it tough, especially when I'm trying to teach them Self-Control by having them stand at attention! They were infectious, I found myself just wanting to be silly and goofy along with them, but I did have a job to do.

If you had told me 6 months ago that I would teaching 12 of my own students, I would have asked you what you'd been smoking. Now, I can't imagine not doing it. Here's some of the reasons why.

Matthew. 3rd grade. Kind of on the heavy side and I think gets teased because of it. Used to always hang in the back of the class and say nothing. I can see how his confidence level has already increased. He wants to learn martial arts so bad and I can tell he practises. I hope he sticks with it, I'd like to see what he could become.

Caitlin. 1st grade. Quiet, unassuming, always the first to do anything I ask but never brags about it. Everything she says to me is in an absolute deadpan voice but what she says is soo.. cute. Did you know that she is Irish?

Dalton. 1st grade. He's the smallest kid in the class and the loudest! He sets the standard for answering up and he sets it high. I can always count on a "Yes Ma'am" from Dalton.

Alix. 4th grade. This girl has so much natural talent it's amazing. I've already had to raise the physical demands on her just to keep her interested and challenged! She's only trained for 3 sessions!

I could go on and on about each and every one of the 12 but there's one more reason.

Christopher. 13. My eldest. He's my helper and I couldn't do this without him. He has come so far along his journey. He has a way of relating to the younger kids that I can't match. I think about how it wasn't that long ago when he had very little self-confidence and now I think he would take over the class if I let him. He truly is developing a backbone of steel and he has a heart big enough to include the whole world. He's grown up a lot lately. It scares me. I can see now how his chubby little boy face is changing into a man's. His mustache is darker everyday! He will truly be a force to be reconded with as an adult. I used to fear for his future but I see now that he has the strength to handle whatever life may throw at him.

I am so proud!


Blogger K said...

Glad to see the "sun" in your world! You have every reason to be proud of Christopher. He is a wonderful young man and will be a fantastic father and husband one day, if that is what he chooses.

You have done a great job with both of the boys. Keep up the good work and enjoy all of your "new kids"!

7:53 PM  

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