Sunday, May 07, 2006

Bad News

I got some bad news yesterday. It wasn't as bad as I first was led to believe but it's still pretty grim.

This news has left me feeling particularly feisty and like I have nothing to lose. A certain chapter of my life is now officially closed. I suppose it could still be open if I wanted to live in agony. I have a high tolerance for pain but I don't particularly enjoy it.

If you want to see just how feisty I am feeling, go to my alternate Blog. Time & Space. Some people will get it.

However....On the same afternoon, I got some good news also. Not about me, but about a friend. I'm so thrilled for them and proud!!! There will be more on that subject in months to come.

What else is going on? Well, my backyard is almost complete (got my fountain in today) and my cats have fleas. My house looks like it has been hit by a tornado inside (my thralls won't clean it for me, Dammit! why won't they obey!) and I have to spend most of my day Monday at the dentist and physical therapy! Can I add anything else? Pages! But it would only bore you.

P.S. Gabe was fabulous in "Peter & the Wolf". He had a small part but he was sooo thrilled when he came off the stage after the applause. I think he's hooked. He told me, "Mom, I'm a Star!"


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